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Disclaimer: All details provided by us (MyWebsite.co.za) on this website in relation to the Payfast / Capitec Pay competition were accurate at the time of publication to the best of our knowledge. MyWebsite.co.za is in no way affiliated with PayFast or Capitec. Payfast is an online Payment Processor as an external service provider to MyWebsite.co.za and we are not paid to promote this competition. The organizers of the competition is not affiliated with MyWebsite.co.za and as such we cannot guarantee any part of the competition run by them. The organizers are the owners of their respective artwork and branding assets and its relevant trademarks and/or copyright. The organizers may withdraw or change the competition at any time without our knowledge or control. Please report to us if you find that any part of our promotion of the competition is inaccurate.
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